The ultimate goal of the MASSI project ‘Manufacturing Assessment for Sustainability Strategic Insights’ is the creation of an integrated decision-support solution addressed to the manufacturing world and, in particular, to those companies that are starting their ‘sustainability journey’ towards more sustainable production. The solution consists of a consulting methodology and a digital platform that allows, through a survey with more than 200 questions, to assess and monitor the sustainability performance of a production unit, compare it with those of other similar units, and provide value-added input to identify how and where it is a priority to invest in order to improve the company’s sustainability profile.
The data collected will be mapped onto a maturity model that will be made available through the digital platform, allowing headquarter decision-makers to have quantified evidence and results to use as input for corporate investment and strategic planning decisions.
Start date: 01/01/2022
End date: 31/12/2022
Funding framework: EIT Manufacturing